I Can't Get Your Scent from My Pillows

I can't get your scent from my pillows



I can't get your scent from my pillows

I can't get you out of my head

The sweet acrid  smell of Chanel seems to dwell

And brings you to mind once again


My love, it's a painfully reminder

Like  a stone that is bringing me down

How can I let go?

How can I move on?

When that smell just keeps hanging around?




Last night I met up with a stranger

I took her back home to my bed

She was wanton and wicked, perfumed and pungent

Lathered and covered with sweat

But right in the midst of the passion

A first subtle, then growing more strong

Your fragrance was all I could think of

a reminder of love gone so wrong




I might have to burn all the linens

I might have to leave from this place

I might have to get  on an airplane

And go somewhere far far away

I'lI send you a post card from thailand

If i do, you should not be surprised 

If my letter is simply to tell you

The aroma grew stronger with time




I would say That I hope you are happy

I would say that, if it were true

But the truth is I hope that you suffer

Twist and turn every night like I do

Haunted by how much you loved me

Trapped with no way to escape

From the need for my touch and my kisses -

And the smell of my brut aftershave


Chorus out.


Copyright, Rob Lytle, 2005.  All rights Reserved.

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